Have you been shopping like crazy for your classroom for this upcoming school year? I have been seeing lots of posts of some great deals many of you are finding. I haven't found many amazing deals out there yet but I am guessing hoping they will start in August around here. School doesn't start back up until September 2nd. Since I will be on maternity leave from September - December I think it has helped me tame my back to school shopping. I love any excuse to shop. I love that Elizabeth over at Kickin It In Kindergarten is sharing some of the items that she has purchased and wants you to share items from your recent shopping carts.
Okay. So let's check out some of the items that I have bought recently...
My largest purchase recently was my new laptop I had to buy this weekend. My last laptop just crashed on me. It went to bed & never woke up. Tear. I HAD to get a new one so I can continue blogging, creating TPT items (which I haven't done in a good bit.), and keeping up with school stuff in general. I am going today to pick up my recovered files from my old computer.
You would think these Composition notebooks would be on the supply list for my grade 4 students to bring but they are not. The other teachers don't use them so they are not included. I found some pretty awesome interactive notebooks that I plan on trying out this year so I purchased some Composition notebooks for my kiddos so we can create an Interactive Writing Notebook and L.A. Interactive Writing Notebook. I also plan to do a Math Interactive Journal. Is that too many interactive journals?!? I don't know...You tell me. This is going to be a first for me. We will just play in by ear.
I know these are TPT products but these Interactive Notebooks were purchased recently for my class this year. I really hope the kiddos enjoy them and they become really helpful. We need to work on our writing BIG time. Give me your opinion on Interactive Notebooks if you implement them in your class.
Now this item below is in my IKEA cart online but I plan on buying it this summer. That still counts right. LOL.
I need this bookshelf/bench for my classroom desperately. Picture a classroom with nothing in it and that is my classroom. Literally. When I moved to Canada I gave away pretty much all personal classroom furniture and my cool comfy reading chairs. While I got to bring all my books & smaller classroom manipulatives I had to leave the big stuff. Last year I shared a classroom with another teacher so I got to use her stuff. This year I am back to the bare bones. I would plan to buy this shelf and add some cushions on top for reading spots. Hmmm... I should just get the hubs to make something like this. Maybe I will.
This is also in my virtual shopping cart. I want to buy a carpet for my classroom. Target just has the best carpets that have that modern look.
So that's it for my shopping purchases/list. What are some things that you have bought for your classroom this year?
Oh & don't forget... Christmas in July is still going on.
Today is Day 7. The Language Arts Morning Work #2 is the feature of the day.
Love that carpet! We are also in the market for a new laptop so I'd love to know how you like yours...thanks for linking up. Hope all is well! xo