Thursday, December 5, 2013

Trying to Survive the Cold & a Cute Video Clip

Man is it freezing here or what! It was -6 degrees today... Brrr!!! I literally ran out of my house to my car and into the school. It was WAY too cold for me! This week we are working on our Christmas Around the World unit. I promise I will remember to take some photos of our Christmas Around the World crafts tomorrow and share it will y'all.
I do have a video to share that I thought was adorable and just died laughing when I watched the whole video of my class dancing during our indoor recess due to the weather being too cold. Here is just a small clip.
I think it is pretty cute!
Our partner reading is going great! I am so proud of my kinders being about to read for 10 minutes each day with their partner of choice.

The kids put up their elf applications this week as well. They loved filling it out.

We are still working on our writing. I was impressed with some of the sentences they were able to create. If only I had them 5 days a week instead of 2... I could only imagine how much more they would be capable of.
Here is a small glimpse of recess in the snow.
To go from Mississippi where kids don't wear gloves and hats in the wear to Canada where the kids need to have mitts, a hat and snow pants to go out for play.
My Canadian history class is ALMOST over... Only a final to take and then I promise friends - I will be able to get more blogs up and be more chatty!
Well if you are some where with warm weather soak it in for me. I am trying to keep warm here.
I did find time to add this Santa's Workshop - A Christmas Literacy and Math Activities product
(click on the image below)

This 259 page product includes:


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