Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Letter H

We had a hockey player (a.k.a. now my husband) visit us & show us what hockey players wear on the ice.

 Students paste pictures that begin with the letter h in the haunted house
(Brought to our k-team from Brandie Simmons)

 Students paste pictures that rhyme on the haunted house
 (Brought to our k-team from Brandie Simmons)

Students sort pictures that begin with the letters a-h
 (Brought to our k-team from Brandie Simmons)

A House For Hermit Crab art

Hippo puppet

The class book we use: Haunted House Class Book page
Students read "My Hh Book" every day for the week. Students circle the letters Hh & underline sight words.
  My Lesson Plan for 2011-2012 - Hh Lesson Plan

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Letter Gg

 The week we focused on the letter Gg always fell around Halloween time so we usually do a lot of stuff with ghosts. Brandie Simmons from BVE created most of our wonderful Halloween themed ideas. I'm so glad I got to work with such an amazing team member!

Beginning sound Gg sort on a ghost

A-G beginning sound picture sort

Green Glitter Ghost Art to reinforce the letter Gg

Ghost Rhyming Sort
Goat Puppet to reinforce the letter Gg
Students washed out their milk cartons from lunch & we used them to grow our grass in to reinforce the letter Gg. Students added soil, some grass seeds, & then more soil in their carton. Then they watered their grass daily.

Here is my 2011-2012 lesson plan for the letter Gg- Gg Lesson Plan

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tell Me Something Good

 Linking up with  Rowdy in First Grade

Something good from school: Monday was my first day volunteering in Canada and it was great. For many of you who don't know I unfortunately can not teach this year due to moving to a new country, but this allows me to spread my teaching skills to different schools and different grades. I got to work with children in 4th grade, 1st grade, and kindergarten. I just love it when students read to me!

Something good from home: We have enough saved to purchase a home! We are not exactly sure what type of home we would like, whether it just be a townhouse, half duplex, or single family bungalow but whatever we decide we can purchase it when we find the right one for us! This makes me one happy person.

Best Tip of the Day

Seeing that I'm not so grand with technology any time I find a good technology tip I post it on my blog in case it can help others, but mainly so I can refer back to it since I easily forget... With that being said I found a helpful tech. tip from Sent from My Ipad
Yesterday she posted: "Quick tech. tip for bloggers---
When inserting a picture you can make that a direct link! Just grab the picture while editing a blog and then press the "link" button as if you were going to add a hyperlink in your text! Paste the link you want to attach it to and *tada* your picture is no linked up!"

Thanks Nikki for sharing the great tech. tip! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kindergarten Common Core

I found an AMAZING Kindergarten Common Core Workbook that contains the largest collection of worksheets and activities for teaching the Common Core State Standards. The Kindergarten Common Core Workbook includes over 600 pages of Kindergarten Worksheets, Activities, and Posters that teach all the Kindergarten English Language Arts Common Core Standards and all the Kindergarten Mathematics Common Core Standards! You can go to the link and view sample pages.

If you like FREE like I love free things you can visit the site & order FREE Common Core posters for your grade level. Talk about Awesome!!!

September Currently

Better late than never... but I finally figured out how to do this. Yay me! I have got to improve my computer skills seriously. For a young person I am not so computer savvy as I would like to be.

Thanks to Oh Boy 4th Grade

On the Back Activities

Hey you!!! Yes you... Check out Primary Possibilities for great ideas!
Primary Possibilities has On-The-Back-Pack-Word-Work available at TPT for only $3.00.
If you are not following this lovely blog you need to check it out!!!

The Letter Ff

We were farmers on Friday to reinforce the letter Ff.

Each student took turns milking the cow.
I put milk (mixed with water) in a latex glove & tied it to our "cow" using a rubber band. I poked 2-3 small holes in the end of the fingers of the gloves to allow the milk to come out.

 Students enjoyed floats for their Friday snack to reinforce the letter Ff.
Students made butter by shaking up cream in a baby food jar. After each group of students took turns shaking the jar & the butter was made we enjoyed our spread with biscuits. 
Click on the link for my 2011-2012 Lesson Plan- Letter Ff Lesson Plan

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Common Core Kindergarten Assessment

This has to be one of the best Common Core assessments I have used for kindergarten!!!

The Letter Ee

Students pretend to be Eskimos & fish for matching upper and lower case letters to reinforce the letter Ee. 
Students enjoy their elephant Friday snack using an oatmeal cookie, 2 slices of apples, 2 raisins & a strip of fruit roll up.
Students completed a rhyming sort by pasting rhyming pictures on eggs.
Students made Eskimo hats by pasting cottonballs onto the outter edge of a paper plate.

Click on the link for my 2011- 2012 Lesson Plan- Letter Ee Lesson Plan

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Letter Dd

We make a dinosaur snack using a slice of bread, peanut butter, bugles, & a piece of a banana.
We sequence the life of a dinosaur. We create a dinosaur art & record the dinosaurs that we will add to our math journal. We are Paleontologists for the day as we search for dinosaur fossils (noodles). We play with toy dinosaurs.
My Lesson Plan for the Letter Dd 2011-2012: Dd Lesson Plan

Our Paleontologist hats

 Students found pictures in magazines that begin with the letter D, cut them out, & pasted them to their Dd Circle Map.
Students played a color matching game with the ducks for the letter Dd.
I used paint pens to write a basic color word under each duck and then colored in a circle with each basic color on another set of ducks so the students can find the color that matches the color word.

Click on the link for our Dinosaur Flipchart for ActiveInspire: Dinosaur Flipchart

You can find Alphabet Craft Ideas like the photo above at Totally Tots. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Best Tip of the Day

So I had been wondering how to do this.... How to add your blog link that is. Thanks to Classroom Compulsion I now know how to! And Wallah, it's done!
Blogger tip: Make it easy for others to visit your blog. When you post a comment, leave a link to your own blog. Copy this code and replace the caps with your information to create a link:
 <a href="http://YOURBLOGURL">BLOG TITLE</a>

Now I just need to figure out how to create a Button for my blog?!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sight Word Study

Creating sight words with Play-Doh, shaving cream, sand, glitter, & string are ways we learn & practice sight words in the classroom Make Take Teach also show ways to learn & practice sight words in this way, along with also using hair gel, plastic screens, and Bendaroos.

You can find free sight word mats like the one below on Making Learning Fun, which I use for my sight word play-doh mats.

Apples and ABCs has great items for sight word study & you can purchase printables at her TPT. The photos below are examples of her awesome sight word printables.

Kaylee's Educational Studio also has sight word printables available for purchase.
Need center folders to practice sight word study? Thanks again to Pinterest I found this cool looking sight word folder you can find on Heidi's Blog.
Click on the link to few Multiple Sensory Sight Words Cards I found on Make, Take, & Teach.
For the complete list of the Multiple Sensory Sight Word Cards visit the TPT store to purchase

Templates can be found at Make Take & Teach like in the photos above & below for magnetic sight word study activities. 
See how you can build sight words using Legos @ Filth Wizardry.

Classroom Set-Up

My second classroom, but first year teaching kindergarten. My class is decorated in my favorite colors, pink & green along with a jungle theme. In the photo above on the left side you'll see my green, yellow, & red monkey faces- These are the student's behavior clip.
The Word Tree board has each student's name on a monkey & on the board for the 1st full 2 weeks of school. As we focus on a different letter each week I post words/pictures that focus on our letter of the week on our Word Tree Word. After we have focused on every letter in the alphabet we focus on our short & long vowels.
Do you have a Star of the Week?
Each Friday I choose a student to be the Star of the Week, sending home a letter Friday. Monday that student brings in a few photos of themselves to display all week on the Star of the Week board. Then on Friday the Star of the Week brings a favorite book to read or have read to the class by their parent, sibling, or me. The kids love this!
My 2nd year of teaching kindergarten I got to move into a larger room.
Little reading areas are my favorite.

Can you tell I like bright colors?

I linked up with Swimming into Second


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